Silent Technology Electrical Circuit for Pump

      Digital from 8% to 105% Accuracy on the Flow Setting

      Turbo Mode for 105% of the Pump Overclock Output

      Skimmer / Wave Maker Pump Reserves Function for cleaning

      Apex Ready connection for Jebao DCT/DCS/DC Series / Maxspect Gyre / Any type of wavemaker which can connection with the cable

      GHL Ready connection for Jebao DCT/DCS/DC Series / Maxspect Gyre / Any type of wavemaker which can connection with the cable

      Future Upgrade available

      Auto Water Filler Build Up Function (Need Extra buy the modular)

      Battery Back Up Mode Auto Switch (Need Extra buy Battery)

      Feed Mode / Night Mode

About the Wave Maker Mode

Normal Mode Customer Adjust the Digital Output for wave Maker / Pump Operation

Natural Mode Base on the Aquarium Nature to provides life cycle operation

Reef Mode The Top SPS require mode which operation on Reef Cycle

Gyre Mode Clockwise the Customer Stand operation mode and reserve within 2 hours. Provides a random Gyre on the tank

Mix Mode Based on the Reef + Gyre Mode Operation . Cycle to Cycle

Cleaning Mode Clockwise for the impeller , make reserve on your impeller to running. Kick out all the Waste / stone / sand during clockwise
For Customer using Cleaning mode, must watch on the pump operation. Due to reserve of the impeller, some pump will reserve backfrom tank to sump. Fish Street will not response for any overflow for tank to cause any lose or damage on electricity

1)Apex and GHL cannot operation on the same time. System will default on the connection if Apex first

2) ATO (Floating and Infrared Sensor / Pump / Tube / Mount need Extra buy)

3) If Connection with Apex / GHL, system will default Gyre to operation, cannot manual control on the system until remove the Apex connection

4) Overclock Mode Based on the pump physical design. It;s hardly can calculation the flow if reach on the Pump limit rotation

5) Reserve Mode only can operation on the DCT/DCS/Gyre. Not suitable for Jebao RW Pump.

6) Extra Rom upgrade future need to pay shipping fee



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